National Audit Office report
Sunday, November 14, 2010 at 11:53PM
Steve in Crisis Resolution & Home Treatment, crisis resolution, national audit office

Below is an outline of the content for a report commissioned by the National Audit Office. For a full copy of the report, go to

Are Crisis Resolution & Home Treatment services seeing the patients they are supposed to see?

- A Report of interviews with CRHT and Ward Managers across 25 sites in England, regarding 500 referrals to CRHT teams and 500 admissions to inpatiient wards during Jan-Apr 2007

Steve Morgan
Practice Based Evidence

on behalf of

Study Team:
Nick Gauntlett,
Kirt Hunte,
Charlotte McKinley (NAO),
Andrew and Roberta Wetherell
led by Steve Morgan,
under the direction of Jess Hudson (NAO)


Chapter 1: The project successfully generated reliable evidence from 25 sites operating varying CRHT service models 3
Chapter 2: The Department of Health intends that CRHT teams act as ‘gatekeepers’ to admission, but in fact this function is under-realized 8
Chapter 3: Assessing a mental health crisis is a critical function of CRHT teams, but it must be efficiently organised in order that the home treatment function is not compromised 32
Chapter 4: Home Treatment offers key benefits for patients, but capacity to provide it could be improved with more rigorous implementation of the intended policy 35
Chapter 5: CRHT teams are facilitating earlier discharges where the ward and CRHT team are integrated, but there is room to improve performance in this area 41
Chapter 6: CRHT teams need to be better understood by the teams and services that refer to them in order to ensure they provide the intended functions 47
Chapter 7: Service User/Carer preferences do influence admission decisions, so they need to be fully informed of the range of options 56
Chapter 8: CRHT teams provide acute care, and success will depend on integrating them effectively in the acute care pathway 60
Recommendations 69
Appendix One: The 25 Sites Visited 73

[Go to for the full report and the complete set of National Audit Office reports on this project]

Article originally appeared on Practice Based Evidence | A Mental Health Blog (
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