We are in a digital age, so it is about time we got risk practice and training out of an analogue world. By this I don't mean more forms to be filling in, I am offering a new opportunity for how practitioners are supported in going about day-to-day best practice. The software packages for documenting and auditing information will remain, but I believe they do little for informing and guiding best practice, focusing as they do on documenting the administrative requirements of an organisation's approach to risk assessment.
We can now enable practitioners to access resources that will inform and guide their practice direct to smartphones, tablets or laptops. I have distilled my 30+ years of experience and 60+ publications into an online 'Positive Risk-Taking Membership Site'. Brief training videos, detailed presentations, audio podcasts, practice checklists, tools and handouts are structured into 5 modules, with an on-going wealth of bonus resources being constantly added. The modules can be worked through sequentially as training materials, or randomly dipped into for specific information. And instant access to a free training webinar introduces these resources by clicking the following link: