The Strengths Revolution’ weekly podcast show was launched on 22nd April 2014. Just go into iTunes Store, click the ‘Podcast’ link on the top menu, then put ‘The Strengths Revolution’ into the search box.

Listen, subscribe, and add a review if you feel able to. Remember… listening, downloading or subscribing to the show is FREE!

'Working with Strengths' was published in May 2014 as a comprehensive resource for reviewing the literature and reflecting on strengths-based practice as applied to people in contact with services, as well as the strengths-focused development of practitioners, teams and organisations. It draws on the wider business literature as well as health and social care references to broaden the applicability of the ideas.

'Risk Decision-Making' was published in 2013 to help shift the focus from a tick-box culture to the realities of what good practice should be about. The manual and cd-rom provide the resources that should engage senior management in organisations, as well as the practitioners and multidisciplinary teams.

June 2007 saw the publication of the Working With Risk Trainers Manual and Practitioner Manual through Pavilion Publishing. The Trainers Manual provides a flexible two-day training programme, with the option of using any of the individual sessions as stand-alone training resources. The Practitioner Manual provides a set of practice-based risk tools with supporting guidance on how and when to use each. These materials also aim to discuss some of the wider risk issues and identify a key part of current research and literature. The practice-based tools are also supported by completed case examples.

To make contact either send me a message via the 'Contact Me' form or (if it's urgent) you can call me on 07733 105264.

Practice Based Evidence commenced business in October 2001. Promoting the value of the messages from service users, carers and practitioners experiences. These are often marginalised by the emphasis placed on research.


  • The Art of Co-ordinating Care: A Handbook of Best Practice for Everyone Involved in Care and Support
    The Art of Co-ordinating Care: A Handbook of Best Practice for Everyone Involved in Care and Support

    Jointly written by Practice Based Evidence & ARW, this resource is of importance to everyone in mental health, social care and learning disability services, including primary care.

  • Assertive Outreach: A Strengths Approach to Policy and Practice
    Assertive Outreach: A Strengths Approach to Policy and Practice

    Primarily aimed at developing assertive outreach, but its focus on a strengths approach is applicable to all parts of the mental health system.


Crisis Resolution and Home Treatment Teams: 'Challenges and Pitfalls'

Note: The following is a checklist not a list to be read as an order of priorities

  1. Practice Development:
    • Reviewing policies, protocols and team procedures
    • Supporting practitioners in developing their practice
    • Team-based supervision
    • Role of team development facilitation of away-days
    • Examining links with other parts of the service making service integration real
    • On going training needs identified with team
    • Clarifying the meaning of 'fidelity to the model' implementing the 'essential ingredients' for ensuring good practice (not that there is only one way of doing it!)
  2. Staff retention & recruitment:
    • Ensuring staff maintain good practice
    • Motivation
    • Supporting staff morale
    • Providing appropriate leadership
    • Good induction & supportive supervision
  3. Clarifying the main sources of stress:
    • Volume of workload
    • Interpersonal issues
    • Inter-team issues
    • Conflicting management directives
    • Sustaining the formal & informal support structures to manage the above
  4. Time management:
    • A crucial asset that needs to be utilised wisely within the Team/Service
    • On-call activity aware of the potential for 'burn out' (N.B. You cannot become 'burned out' if you were not on fire in the first place)
  5. Effective team-working:
    • Good effective communication (room to listen room to talk)
    • Identifying good team players
    • 'Everyone's contribution is valuable'
  6. Workload:
    • Volume of referrals and re-referrals
    • Adjusting and adapting to the pace and unpredictability of the volume of work
  7. Maintaining flexibility & creativity:
    • The ability to make a rapid response
    • Being consistent through a team approach particularly in response to handling referrals
  8. Therapeutic risk-taking:
    • Risk assessment & evaluation
    • Risk management planning
    • Reasoned risk-taking decisions for positive gains
  9. Keeping accurate team records & statistics on what you do:
    • A good reminder of all the positive work the team has delivered
    • Keeping accurate local Trust statistics
    • Aware of the statistical requirements of the Department of Health
  10. Sustainability:
    • Keeping the momentum making the work interesting and challenging for staff
    • Sustaining the impact
  11. Conflict management:
    • Creating a consensus within the team
    • Managing the inter-team difficulties & stereotypes
  12. Promoting reflective practice:
    • Making better use of existing team meetings
    • Creating the priority reflecting on practice can enable more effective use of contact time
    • Supervision could support, encourage and enhance such reflection
  13. Managing change:
    • Extending the remit when the time is appropriate (e.g. opening up to services for older people, learning difficulties)
    • Embracing positive changes for the service and team
    • Creating the time and space to consolidate or reflect on good practices
  14. Forging good relationships with service user groups in the locality
  15. Strategies for service development:
    • Overlap with other services (e.g. assertive outreach teams, early intervention service, in-patient services, drug & alcohol services, specialist personality disorder services)
    • Systemic approaches to thinking Trust-wide, looking at forging key linkages with other parts of the service

Kirt Hunte ~ Team Manager
[South Camden Crisis Response & Resolution Team]
July 2006


Defining 'Crisis' & 'Emergency'

Based on discussions from two workshops with the Great Yarmouth & Waveney Home Treatment Team

  • Tensions frequently arise between clinical teams, based on the real or perceived lack of clarity in defining what a crisis is, and the different interpretations of the term. Differences may arise within and between teams, through issues of definition and 'thresholds of tolerance' of a crisis situation between people (inc. practitioners).
  • At the broadest level, the definition of a crisis lies in the eye of the beholder - if a person asking for help says the situation is a crisis, then it is a crisis.
  • However, this definition is not very helpful for supporting a Home Treatment Team to focus its resources, as G.P.'s could potentially refer anyone in 'distress'.
  • For the purpose of a mental health Home Treatment Team the potential population can be narrowed by introducing a medical screening element through the need for a 'psychiatric diagnosis'; and refined further by specifying elements of 'risk'.
  • However, the degree of serious imminent risk may also result in the situation being defined as a psychological emergency, for which emergency services not the Home Treatment Team are most appropriate.
  • At the point of referral, it is important to help referrers differentiate between a crisis and an emergency, to help identify the most immediate and appropriate response. A large majority, but not all emergencies occur in the context of a crisis.
  • Home Treatment Team's may work with emergency situations within the longer context of a period of crisis intervention, but they are not the most appropriate first line of response in a sudden emergency.


Working with Risk Tools

Risk assessment, risk management and risk-taking are essential elements of mental health practice. However, focus has progressively moved away from clinical judgement towards the administrative requirements of form filling. Practical tools should firstly offer a guide to practice, and secondly the user-friendly format for recording the information and plans that arise. 'Working with Risk' is a flexible package of tools designed to support clinical practice. It offers ideas for three different stages of risk assessment, risk management and risk-taking. These are designed to support the clinical judgement of individual practitioners and teams. These can be used individually as stand-alone tools, or collectively as a whole package.

For services wishing support to implement the flexible set of Working with Risk tools, contact me for negotiating Consultancy services including developing a 'Risk Management Policy' supporting a positive risk-taking approach.

PBE(1) PBE(2) PBE(3) PBE(4)

The 'Working with Risk' tools located above have been developed into a 2-day Risk Trainers Manual and an accompanying Practitioner Risk Manual and were published by Pavilion Publishing in Spring 2007. The article below, written by Steve, gives an overview of the tools. It was first published in Mental Health Today in September 2007 and included here with their kind permission.

Article: Working with Risk: Steve Morgan outlines a new training pack on positive risk management.



Risk-making or Risk-taking?

The following article was first published in Openmind (101, Jan/Feb 2000) and is reproduced with their kind permission.

Steve Morgan argues that assertive outreach is a positive service model that must resist being set up to be the new face of the 'risk business'

Assertive outreach (AO) is a term used to describe a range of services for 'people with severe mental illness who are hard to engage with services'. In 1998 the publication of Keys to Engagement by the Sainsbury Centre for Mental Health synthesized much of the existing knowledge and research on developing assertive outreach services in the UK, and there have since been a number of important developments in both theory and practice.

New service models have to establish themselves in the context of the prevailing political climate, and, undoubtedly, the current climate for UK mental health services is strongly influenced by the media portrayal of 'risk', despite what the evidence may say. Just as 'cost effectiveness' is inextricably linked to reduced hospital bed use, so new service models will be measured by their ability to achieve unrealistic expectations of 'risk elimination'.

Assertive outreach faces the danger of becoming closely associated with enforced restriction and compliance to medication regimes. Short sighted expectations imply that if hard to engage people are closely policed and made to take their medication, risks to the public will be reduced. Assertive outreach is potentially being set up to become the new face of the 'risk business', entrusted with the role of tracking resistant individuals, and equipped with the mechanisms of coercion and enforcement. Vote winner this may be, but a basis for effective services it is not.

In short, no consideration will be given to the reasons why people disengage, and service users' worst fears of 'aggressive' outreach will be fulfilled. The potential benefits of collaborative assertive outreach will be shattered, as more people feel driven to greater extremes of service avoidance. A good idea will be misappropriated, and turned into risk promoting failure.

Such 'policing' expectations of AO sit comfortably with traditional responses to potential risk, i.e. negative and restrictive practices. It also conveniently lets policymakers and some service providers off the hook, by avoiding the need to scrutinize their own gaps and failings. Far from offering incentives to engage, it confirms users' suspicions, and creates more distance between users and providers. In this scenario, 'risks' become more likely to happen!

I would like to propose the following definition of assertive outreach: 'A flexible and creative client centred approach to engaging service users in a practical delivery of a wide range of services to meet complex health and social needs and wants. A strategy that requires the service providers to take an active role, working with service users, to secure resources and choices in treatment, rehabilitation, psychosocial support, functional and practical help, and advocacy equal priorities.'

An extremely small proportion of service users will resist mental health services at all costs, and some degree of restrictive power will need to be carefully considered on rare occasions. The majority of people labelled 'hard to engage' have been repeatedly demonstrated to engage when services are offered in a more flexible and client centred way. This has been equally true in UK statutory and voluntary sector agency AO teams. Most people will engage, at some level, with services they perceive to be in tune with their own needs and wishes.

The challenge to service providers is to be more flexible and creative in their active attempts to engage trusting relationships. AO approaches need to recognize the complexity of service users' lives, and the need to work with reasonable and practical priorities within the whole picture. It is not about reducing complicated social, cultural and environmental factors down to a narrow identification of symptoms, risk factors and strategies for restrictive management. The quashing of aspirations contributes to the potential for risk.

The established examples of good practice in AO recognize that risks are an integral component of comprehensive mental health services. They do not deny that people both pose risks, and are at risk, on a frequent basis.

The AO definition given opposite offers a more holistic view of personal needs, wishes and aspirations. It encourages service users to express their own views of their world, to be listened to and worked with. This takes service providers into relatively uncharted territory, beyond the safety of 'professional judgement' and the more usual need to offer restriction as a solution to identified problems.

AO approaches therefore open up the prospect of 'positive risk taking'. The majority of the population enjoy the benefits of exercising choices and taking chances learning equally from the outcomes of success and failure. However, there is an implicit assumption that mental health problems should exclude people from such benefits.

'Positive risk taking' is not negligent ignorance of the potential risks. Nobody, especially service users, benefits from allowing risks to play their course through to disaster. Positive risk taking is about collaborative working, based on the establishment of trusting working relationships, whereby service users can learn from their experiences, based on taking chances just like anyone else. It is about understanding the consequences of different courses of action; making decisions based on a range of choices, and supported by adequate and accurate information. It is about knowing that support is instantly available if things begin to go wrong, as they occasionally do for us all. Positive risk taking is also about explicit setting of boundaries, to contain situations that are developing into potentially catastrophic circumstances for all involved.

The realistic emphasis is on 'risk minimization', not risk elimination. AO services expect to take responsibility and be accountable for their work. However, they need a more cohesive framework that clearly links responsibilities at individual, multidisciplinary team, and service organization levels. Responsibilities need to be strongly aligned to principles of good practice, clearly defensible in the face of the more usual damaging hunt for scapegoats. The culture that needs to blame dedicated individuals working in very challenging situations, is a culture that destroys the seeds of confidence and success before they have a chance to flourish.

Service providers and policymakers sometimes hear only the messages they want to hear, or read into the evidence that which they want to see. The result is that as a society we often get the services we deserve which are not necessarily the services that users deserve

Assertive outreach has a positive record of effectively linking the function of engagement to practical tasks and evidence based clinical interventions. Flexible and creative services hold benefits for both service users and providers who engage within them. They also offer a constructive approach to managing risks. Alternatively, we can hijack a good idea, to fulfil short sighted ideals.

Engagement by degrees
Assertive outreach workers recognize that engagement is not automatic; it has to be earned, and always worked at. It can frequently be tenuous, and in need of negotiation, but will always be the foundation of all other work.

  • Someone reluctant to discuss mental health orientated issues may stil engage with discussions of their own priorities e.g. housing or money. Contact enables some trust to develop, and may form the basis for subsequent negotiations on more delicate issues.
  • An individual feeling suicidal may feel their intense distress is being listened to and understood, if intensive support is offered at home through active listening. Hospital admission doesn't always guarantee safety, and may hasten an attempt for those people who feel they are simply having responsibility stripped away.
  • Verbal aggression and agitation may occasionally be better supervised through non-judgemental support from respectful workers. Medicalizing the situation increases the volatility for some. Pranoid suspicions may be a response to reality, not psychotic symptoms. AO offers opportunities to observe and discuss social reality rather than psychiatric interpretations of individual behaviour.
  • Someone who is chronically institutionalized and neglectful may be supported to remain in their own independent accommodation, through regular planned respite to enable cleaning of the home environment. Conversely, expectations of skill development and raised standards of hygiene may not always be realistic, and could lead to loss of tenure.
  • A volatile and angry person, intent on the benefits of hard drugs, with no concern for the consequences of their aggression on others, will probably require prompt and restrictive interventions. But, only on the basis that efforts will be made to offer a wider range of supportive options when the situation settles


  1. 1. Sainsbury Centre for Mental Health (1998). Keys to Engagement: Review of Care for People with Severe Mental Illness who are Hard to Engage with Services (SCMH).
  2. 2. PRiSM (1998) 'Psychosis study, papers 1-10' British Journal of Psychiatry 173, pp. 359-427.
  3. 3. Hemming, M., Morgan, S. and O'Halloran, P. (1999) 'Assertive outreach: implications for the development of the model in the United Kingdom' Journal for Mental Health 8(2), pp. 141-7.
  4. 4. Taylor, P. J. & Gunn, J. (1999) 'Homicides by people with mental illness: myth and reality' British Journal of Psychiatry 174, pp. 9-14.
  5. 5. Morgan, S. and Hemming, M. (1999) 'Risk management and Community Treatment Orders' Mental Health Care 31, p. 20.

Illustration: Jules Feiffer/1975 from Man Bites Man: Two Decades of Satiric Art (edited by Steven Holler, Hutchinson 1981).


A Challenge to Evidence Based Practice

What is the evidence base for risk as we know it? Isn’t an evidence base meant to be something constructive and supportive for practitioners to use in their judgements and interventions? This article (unpublished) explains the impact of a blame culture, and recommends how we should shift to a strengths-based and positive risk-taking agenda as a more constructive way of working with risk.

PDF: A Challenge to Evidence Based Practice: Reshaping the Risk Agenda

The PowerPoint presentation: ‘Risk Assessment and Management: The Role of Evidence, Politics and Practice’ was developed for an invitation to present at the Royal College of Psychiatrists AGM ON 4th July 2008. Due to illness I was unable to attend, but the presentation is available to be viewed.

Powerpoint: Risk Assessment and Management: The Role of Evidence, Politics and Practice

To read the report above you will need free software called Adobe Reader. This software can be downloaded here.