A Summary of 'Practice Development' initiatives and protocols

The following lists outline the areas in which 'practice development' initiatives have had a positive impact on team working. Whilst these initiatives and protocols have been largely developed within CMHT's and Assertive Outreach services so far, they have also been adapted to other parts of the system. Practice Based Evidence as a practice development initiative could offer consultancy work around these areas with teams in statutory and voluntary sector agencies across the spectrum of mental health services.
- Team Management & Clinical Leadership
- Team Management Structures
- Restructuring the Team Meeting
- Developing 'morning' handover meetings
- Team Training Plan Template
- Defining the Client Group
- Assessment - process & structure
- Team Protocol for Discharge/Case Closure
- CPA & Transfer of care
- MDT Peer Supervision Groups
- Intake & Duty systems
- 'Administration & Reception' reviews
Assertive Outreach Teams
- 'Practical' operational policy
- Developing sub-team models to enable a 'whole team approach'
- Daily handover & monthly reflection meeting protocols
- Service user evaluations (with an Independent service user)
- Tools for 'team evaluation' of essential elements of 'strengths-based' assertive outreach practice
- Developing a 'Strengths Approach' in practice
- Service user strengths assessment
- Staff strengths assessments
- Referral and assessment processes
- Protocols for gradual disengagement
- Reflecting the impact of substance misuse issues on practice
- Links between assertive outreach & CMHT's
- Links between assertive outreach & crisis teams
Crisis Resolution & Home Treatment Teams
- Defining psychiatric crisis & emergency
- Crisis Team & CMHT's: Developing Team Relationships & Pathways of care (including 'link-working')
- Models of team-working
- Pathways into services
Team & Organisation
- Protocols for 'Working with Risk'
- Organisational Risk Policy statement
- Implementing a Strengths Approach into practice, with supporting policy and protocols
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