The Strengths Revolution’ weekly podcast show was launched on 22nd April 2014. Just go into iTunes Store, click the ‘Podcast’ link on the top menu, then put ‘The Strengths Revolution’ into the search box.

Listen, subscribe, and add a review if you feel able to. Remember… listening, downloading or subscribing to the show is FREE!

'Working with Strengths' was published in May 2014 as a comprehensive resource for reviewing the literature and reflecting on strengths-based practice as applied to people in contact with services, as well as the strengths-focused development of practitioners, teams and organisations. It draws on the wider business literature as well as health and social care references to broaden the applicability of the ideas.

'Risk Decision-Making' was published in 2013 to help shift the focus from a tick-box culture to the realities of what good practice should be about. The manual and cd-rom provide the resources that should engage senior management in organisations, as well as the practitioners and multidisciplinary teams.

June 2007 saw the publication of the Working With Risk Trainers Manual and Practitioner Manual through Pavilion Publishing. The Trainers Manual provides a flexible two-day training programme, with the option of using any of the individual sessions as stand-alone training resources. The Practitioner Manual provides a set of practice-based risk tools with supporting guidance on how and when to use each. These materials also aim to discuss some of the wider risk issues and identify a key part of current research and literature. The practice-based tools are also supported by completed case examples.

To make contact either send me a message via the 'Contact Me' form or (if it's urgent) you can call me on 07733 105264.

Practice Based Evidence commenced business in October 2001. Promoting the value of the messages from service users, carers and practitioners experiences. These are often marginalised by the emphasis placed on research.


  • The Art of Co-ordinating Care: A Handbook of Best Practice for Everyone Involved in Care and Support
    The Art of Co-ordinating Care: A Handbook of Best Practice for Everyone Involved in Care and Support

    Jointly written by Practice Based Evidence & ARW, this resource is of importance to everyone in mental health, social care and learning disability services, including primary care.

  • Assertive Outreach: A Strengths Approach to Policy and Practice
    Assertive Outreach: A Strengths Approach to Policy and Practice

    Primarily aimed at developing assertive outreach, but its focus on a strengths approach is applicable to all parts of the mental health system.

Entries in practice development (10)


Tugging on your coat about something!

I know you're a busy person, after all, that's why I'm coming to you with a free offer for developing your thinking and your practice a little bit further. "If you want something doing ask a busy person", right?

We all take risks in our lives... the questions we should occasionally address are 'the why' and 'the how'!

I presented a series of webinars back in February 2022 on these very questions. I'm now taking a few moments out of the practice development work that emerged out of those webinars to plan a new programme of webinar presentations.

Click on the following link to at least register your interest in hearing more as these plans evolve. What have you got to lose... apart from a few minutes out from your busy time, which might just contribute later to some better focus and management of that busy time! 

Best wishes,




Kindness & Empathy

I extend my thanks to the Trinidad & Tobago Healthcare UK Forum for inviting me to chair a discussion on Kindness & Empathy in commemoration of World Mental Health Day (10th October 2020).
Check out the following link to access the full discussion. 

5th International Conference on Mental Health and Human Resilience (Barcelona 7-8 March 2019)

The 5th International Conference on Mental Health and Human Resilienceis held in Barcelona. Use the following link to check out background information on the conference:

The following link provides the outline programme for the two-day conference. I present 'Implementing Positive Risk-Taking in Practice' as one of the keynotes on Day 2:


How effective are your 'meetings'?

In this video I define what a meeting is, provide 11 negative observations on how they play out, and offer 7 reflections on what can contribute to making them effective for everyone involved.


This presentation is part of a wider email sequence offering subscribers an abundance of FREE and practical information to implement in your own practice, and that of others around you. Click on the following link, and follow the simple instructions, if you want to subscribe to the email list (no spam is sent!): 


minding your language

The language of strengths individualises each of us; whereas, the language used to describe problems tends more to aggregate us into less well-defined groups. In the following brief video, I will contrast the types of language we use for describing ourselves either from a problems perspective or from a strengths approach. Click on the following link now to access the video:


This video is part of the email sequence providing subscribers with access to a wide range of strengths-based resources. If you wish to subscribe to the email list click the following link (it's FREE resources that I am offering, with no catch!):